
FitTrackCLI User Guide


FitTrackCLI is command-line-based chatbot to help users manage their NAPFA related exercises and goals! The user can:

  1. Record and track training sessions.
  2. Calculate NAPFA scores from training sessions.
  3. Set fitness goals.
  4. Visualise their training progress.

The NAPFA score sheet used for this chatbot can be found here. This guide will bring you through the various features of FitTrackCLI, and how to utilise them!

FitTrackCLI’s Features

Before diving into the details of the features, it’s essential to understand how the exercises are stored in this CLI chatbot. The table below provides a quick reference for the different exercises, their acronyms, valid input formats, units, and examples of invalid entries:

Exercise Acronym Valid Input Units/Format Invalid Input Examples
Pull Ups PU 15 Repetitions (integer) -5, “ten”
Shuttle Run SR 11.2 Seconds (1 decimal) 11.25, 11., “11:20”
Sit And Reach SAR 30 Centimeters (integer) -10, “thirty”
Sit Ups SU 20 Repetitions (integer) -3, “twenty”
Standing Broad Jump SBJ 200 Centimeters (integer) -50, “two hundred”
Walk And Run WAR 12:45 Minutes:Seconds (MM:SS) 13:60, “12:7”, “12.45”, “twelve:45”

1. User Configuration: set

Purpose: Set the age and gender of the user.

Format: set [gender] [age]

Example: male 12

Expected output:

You are a 12 year old male.

Note: The user will be prompted to set their age and gender at each program start. This is because individuals will age, and hence the calculations of their NAPFA exercise points will be different.

2. Help Function: help

Purpose: Prints a complete list of valid commands.

Format: help

Expected output:

COMMAND                                                          EXAMPLE
help                                                             help
set (gender) (age)                                               set male 12
add (session name)                                               add session1
modify (session index) (new datetime)                            modify 1 04/08/1986 12:30
list                                                             list
view (session index)                                             view 1
edit (session index) (exercise acronym) (repetitions/time)       edit 1 PU 1
delete (session index)                                           delete 1
edit-mood (session index) (mood description)                     edit-mood 1 Sad
remind (Event / Task) (deadline)                                 remind NAPFA DD/MM/YYYY
list-remind                                                      list-remind 
delete-remind (reminder index)                                   delete-remind1
upcoming-remind                                                  upcoming-remind
add-goal (goal name) (deadline)                                  add-goal run 12/12/2024 14:00:00
delete-goal (goal index)                                         delete-goal 1
list-goal                                                        list-goal
gpoints                                                          gpoints PU
gperformance                                                     gperformance WAR
add-water (amount)                                               add-water 500
delete-water (index)                                             delete-water 1
list-water                                                       list-water
add-food (food item) (calories)                                  add-food apple100
delete-food (index)                                              delete-food 1
list-food                                                        list-food
list-intake                                                      list-intake
exit                                                             exit

3. Add a Training Session: add

Purpose: Adds a Training Session with the specified name.

Format: add [session name]

Example: add session1

Expected output:

Got it. I've added a new training session:
1. session1 | 29/10/2024 12:40
There are 1 sessions in the list.

Note 1: The session datetime of the training added training session will be the current system datetime of the system.

Note 2: The user’s age and gender, provided at the start, determine the point calculation criteria for each training session. These attributes are tied to each session and directly influence the points awarded. Note that training sessions added in different program runs may have varying criteria, as the user’s age and gender may change between runs.

4. Modify the DateTime of a Training Session: modify

Purpose: Modifies the recorded date and time of an existing Training Session.

Format: modify [session index] [new datetime]

Example: modify 1 10/11/2024 12:56

Example Output:

Session 1 has been modified:
New Date/Time: 10/11/2024 12:56

Note: This could cause the modified session to have a different index in the training session list, as as the list is sorted in a chronological order.

5. List all Training Sessions: list

Purpose: Displays all Training Sessions the user has added.

Format: list

Example Output:

Here are your training sessions:
1. session1 | 29/10/2024 12:40
2. session2 | 29/10/2024 12:41
There are 2 sessions in the list.

Note: The training sessions are listed in their chronological datetime order.

6. View a Training Session: view

Purpose: View the details of a Training Session, including session name, datetime, exercise data, points and awards.

Format: view [session index]

Example: view 1

Expected Output:

Training Session: session1
Training Datetime: 29/10/2024 12:40
Pull Up Station | Reps: 0 | 0 points
Shuttle Run Station | Time: NA | 0 points
Sit and Reach Station | Distance: 0cm | 0 points
Sit Up Station | Reps: 0 | 0 points
Standing Broad Jump Station | Distance: 0cm | 0 points
Walk and Run Station | Time: NA | 0 points
Total points: 0
Overall Award: No Award

7. Edit a Training Session: edit

Purpose: Edit the details of a training session, namely exercise and reps/time.

Format: edit [session index] [exercise acronym] [repetitions/time]

Note: The format for exercise acronyms and the corresponding repetitions/timing strictly adheres to the table provided at the beginning of the features section.

Example: edit 1 PU 45

Expected Output:

Exercise edited! Here's your new input: Reps: 45 | 5 points
Training Session: session1
Training Datetime: 29/10/2024 12:40
Mood: No mood recorded
Pull Up Station | Reps: 45 | 5 points
Shuttle Run Station | Time: NA | 0 points
Sit and Reach Station | Distance: 0cm | 0 points
Sit Up Station | Reps: 0 | 0 points
Standing Broad Jump Station | Distance: 0cm | 0 points
Walk and Run Station | Time: NA | 0 points
Total points: 5
Overall Award: No Award

Note: Refer to the beginning of the features section for the table of valid and invalid inputs.

8. Edit your post-Training Session mood: edit-mood

Purpose: Edit the post-training mood of a training session.

Format: edit-mood [session index] [mood description]

Example: edit-mood 1 Happy

Expected Output:


"Mood for Training Session 1 updated: Happy"

9. Deleting a Training Session: delete

Purpose: Removes a Training Session from the list.

Format: delete [session index]

Example: delete 1

Expected Output:

Got it. I've deleted this training session:session1 | 29/10/2024 12:40
There are 1 sessions in the list.

10. Exiting the program: exit

Purpose: Ends FitTrack CLI task and exits.

Format: exit

Expected Output:

Bye! Hope to see you again soon!

11. Add a Reminder: remind

Purpose: Adds a Reminder with the specified description and due date.

Format: remind [description] // [deadline]

Example: remind NAPFA // 31/12/2024

Expected output:

Got it. I've added a new reminder
1. NAPFA | 31/12/2024 00:00
There are 1 reminders in your list.

12. List all Reminders: list-remind

Purpose: Displays all active Reminders the user has added.

Format: list-remind

Example Output:

Here are your reminders:
1. TEST1 | 31/12/2024 00:00
2. TEST2 | 30/12/2024 00:00
3. TEST3 | 29/12/2024 00:00
There are 3 reminders in your list.

13. List soon-due Reminders: upcoming-remind

Purpose: Displays all Reminders the user has added that are due in the next week (7 days).

Format: upcoming-remind

Example Output:

There are 1 reminders due in the next week:
1. UPCOMINGTEST | 06/11/2024 00:00
You have 2 reminders in total. View them with 'list-remind'.

14. Delete a Reminder: delete-remind

Purpose: Removes a reminder from your list.

Format: delete-remind [reminder index]

Example: delete-remind 1

Expected Output:

Got it. I've deleted this reminder:NAPFA | 31/12/2024 00:00
There are 0 reminders in your list.

15. Add Goal: add-goal

Purpose: User can add a fitness goal to the the list of goals and attach a deadline to it in order to have clear targets to prepare for the NAPFA test.

Format: add-goal (goal name) (deadline)

Example: add-goal run 12/12/2024 14:00:00

Expected Output:

If a deadline is provided:

Goal added: run
Deadline: 12/12/2024 14:00:00

If a deadline is not specified:

Goal added: run
No deadline set.

16. List of Goals: list-goal

View a list of all fitness goals and deadlines to keep track of progress in preparation for the NAPFA test

Input Command: list-goal

Format: list-goal

Example: list-goal

Expected Output:

1. Goal: run, Deadline: 2024-12-12T14:00

17. Delete Goal: delete-goal

User can delete a fitness goal to the the list of goals to moderate a fitness goal.

Format: delete-goal (goal index)

Example: delete-goal 1

Expected Output:

Goal at index 1 has been removed.

18. Display Points Graph: gpoints

Purpose: Display the points the user has accumulated across different training sessions. Points can either reflect the user’s total overall points or be specific to a chosen exercise.


Example 1: gpoints

Expected Output 1:

Here's your point progression over the various training sessions:
Session Description | Date             | Points
session1            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | ********* (9)
session2            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | ************** (14)
session3            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | *** (3)
session4            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | ******* (7)

Example 2: gpoints PU

Expected Output 2:

Here's your point progression for PULL_UP over your training sessions:
Session Description | Date             | Points
session1            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | * (1)
session2            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | ** (2)
session3            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | *** (3)
session4            | 07/11/2024 16:57 | ***** (5)

19. Display Performance Graph: gperformance


  1. For non-time based station, command displays a bar graph of the raw performance metric (i.e. distance/length/rep) against session index.

  2. For time based station, command displays a scatter graph of the normalised performance metric (i.e. time) against session index.

Format: gperformance [EXERCISE_ACRONYM]

Example 1: gperformance PU

Here's your progression for PULL_UP over your training sessions:

16                                                                            2 points     
15                                                                                *        
14                                                          2 points              *        
13                                                              *                 *        
12                      1 points                                *                 *        
11                          *                                   *                 *        
10                          *                                   *                 *        
9                           *                                   *                 *        
8                           *                                   *                 *        
7     0 points              *                                   *                 *        
6         *                 *                                   *                 *        
5         *                 *                                   *                 *        
4         *                 *                                   *                 *        
3         *                 *                                   *                 *        
2         *                 *                                   *                 *        
1         *                 *             0 points              *                 *        
      Session 1         Session 2         Session 3         Session 4         Session 5    
  07/11/2024 17:45  08/11/2024 17:45  09/11/2024 17:45  10/11/2024 17:45  11/11/2024 17:45 

Example 2: gperformance WAR

Expected Output:

              09:11             08:05              NIL              10:15             09:55      
1.00                                                                  *                          
0.85                                                                                    *        
0.50            *                                                                                
0.05                              *                                                              
           Session 1         Session 2         Session 3         Session 4         Session 5    
       07/11/2024 17:46  08/11/2024 17:46  09/11/2024 17:46  10/11/2024 17:46  11/11/2024 17:46

20. Add Food Intake: add-food

View a list of daily food intake to have a more comprehensive understanding of factors affecting my fitness.

Format: add-food (food name) (calories)

Example: add-food apple 100

Expected Output:

Got it. I've added food item: apple (100 calories, 06/11/2024 17:32:07).

21. Delete Food Intake: delete-food

Purpose: Remove a food item from the daily food intake list.

Format: delete-food (food index)

Example: delete-food 1

Expected Output:

Got it. I've deleted food item: apple - 219 calories, added on 11/11/2024 07:57

22. List Food Intake: list-food

Purpose: Display the list of all food items that have been added for the day.

Format: list-food

Example: list-food

Expected Output:

Here is your food intake list: 
1. apple (100 calories) at 06/11/2024 17:32:07

23. Add Water Intake: add-water

Purpose: Add water intake in milliliters to track hydration levels.

Format: add-water (water ml)

Example: add-water 43

Expected Output:

Got it. I've added 43ml of water at 11/11/2024 07:58.

24. Delete Water Intake: delete-water

Purpose: Remove a specified amount of water from the daily water intake record.

Format: delete-water (water ml)

Example: delete-water 1

Expected Output:

Got it. I've deleted water item: 100 ml, added on 07/11/2024 22:34

25. List Water Intake: list-water

Purpose: Display the total water intake recorded for the day.

Format: list-water

Example: list-water

Expected Output:

Water Entries for 2024-11-11:
1. 43 ml, added on 11/11/2024 07:58
2. 3443 ml, added on 11/11/2024 07:58
Total daily water: 3486 ml

26. List Daily Intake: list-intake

Purpose: Display the list of all food items and water items that have been added for the day.

Format: list-intake

Example: list-intake

Expected Output:

Here is your daily intake summary:
Food Entries for 2024-11-11:
Total daily Calories: 0

Water Entries for 2024-11-11:
Total daily water: 0 ml

FitTrackCLI’s Command Summary

Command Format Example
set set GENDER AGE set male 12
help help help
add add SESSION_NAME add session1
modify modify SESSION_INDEX DATETIME modify 1 10/11/2024 12:30
list list list
view view SESSION_INDEX view 1
modify modify SESSION_INDEX NEW_DATETIME modify 1 12/12/2024 14:00:00
delete delete SESSION_INDEX delete 1
exit exit exit
remind remind REMINDER_NAME // DEADLINE remind run // 12/12/2024
list-remind list-goal list-remind
upcoming-remind upcoming-remind upcoming-remind
delete-remind delete-remind REMINDER_INDEX delete-remind 1
add-goal add-goal GOAL_NAME DEADLINE add-goal run 12/12/2024 14:00:00
delete-goal delete-goal GOAL_INDEX delete-goal 1
list-goal list-goal list-goal
gpoints gpoints / gpoints EXERCISE_ACRONYM gpoints / gpoints PU
gperformance gpeformance EXERCISE_ACRONYM gperformance PU
add-water add-water add-water 500
delete-water delete-water delete-water 1
list-water list-water list-water
add-food add-food add-food apple 100
delete-food delete-food delete-food 1
list-food list-food list-food
list-intake list-intake list-intake


Q: I was an 18-year-old male up until yesterday and have been using FitTrackCLI to track my results over the past few months. Now that I’ve just turned 19, if I re-enter the program with my updated age and attempt to edit past sessions created when I was 18, will my points still be calculated correctly?